Saturday, July 27, 2024
Parish Life

Parishioner Profiles: Danielle, Emma, & Megan

Danielle Lewallen, Emma Thomas, and Megan Ames are extraordinary among their strong group of scholars who graduated from Bishop Kelley High School this spring and from the School of Saint Mary in 2014. Danielle is a 2018 Oklahoma Academic Scholar. Emma is a National Merit Finalist. Megan scored a perfect 36 on the ACT.


When did you begin your education at the School of Saint Mary?

Danielle: I started in Kindergarten.
Emma: I actually came here in Fifth Grade.
Megan: I started in the Fish Class in Saint Mary Preschool.


How did the School prepare your for high school?

Danielle: The School of Saint Mary prepared me well for when I got to Bishop Kelley. I feel like we focused on study skills and writing. I feel well prepared by all the English classes I took here.

Emma: I think that Saint Mary does a really good job preparing students, especially in Language Arts and Math classes. Of the School of Saint Mary kids that I knew, there are none struggling in high school.

Megan: The School of Saint Mary helped me because we had small classes where the teachers knew every kid. I think that helped me at an early age. When the teacher cares, it makes students want to learn. It helped me succeed when I got to high school.


Who were your favorite teachers?

All the teachers here are great, but there are a couple who stand out: Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Lange, definitely Mrs. Loerke, Mrs. Bretz, and Mrs. Padalino. There are a lot of good teachers in the Middle School who had a huge impact.

Emma: The hardest class that I took at the School of Saint Mary was Mrs. Thalken’s English class. She was a tough teacher but she prepared me for high school. I think a lot of what I learned about writing and reading, I learned from her. It was a good experience being in a tough class at a young age. It prepared me for high school and perhaps college.

Megan: Two teachers who stood out to me are Mrs. Bretz, the librarian, because when I was little she would give me book recommendations which got me reading more and helped me with my English classes. Sister Eileen was a strict Math teacher, but she was really good. She really cared about her students. I remember one time at Easter that she gave all her students who got a A on a test a chocolate bunny. That was amazing.


What are your best memories of the School of Saint Mary?

Megan: I remember April Fools’ Day in third grade. An administrator announced on the intercom that it was a flood drill. The teachers told the students that we had to stand on our chair and make swimming motions. We stood there for five minutes paddling away in the air during this flood drill.

Danielle: During gym or recess time, we played matte ball, four corners, or other games. It was fun because we were such a small class that everyone knew each other well.

Emma: I don’t know if I have a specific one, but it seem seems like every time that we’re all together we always have a lot of funny stories we still talk about – things that may happened in Fifth Grade.

Danielle: I remember a story from Fifth Grade. We had a substitute teacher that day. A boy next to me said, “I’m going to get in my locker.” The teacher was taking roll and reached his name. He didn’t answer. She asked, “Where is he?” He had locked himself in his locker. The locker got stuck so it took a while to get him out.


What does the future hold for you?

Danielle: I’m going to the University of Tulsa to be a Nursing major. I have already enrolled in my classes.

Emma: I’m going to Benedictine and I’m not sure what I’m going to major in but I think I’ll double major in Theology and maybe Marketing or Science. I would like to go on to P.A. School. I’m not sure at this point, but I am open to what God’s calling me to.

Megan: I’m going to the University of Tulsa. I am going to double major in Mechanical Engineering and Graphic Design. From there, I am either going to go into the work force and try to find a job that fits my passions or I am considering a master’s degree in Space Architecture. Space Architecture is about building in uninhabited environments in disaster zones, deserts, and in space.

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