What We Offer: All our Ministries
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Here’s a list of what we offer. Click on the + to read a description.
ACTS Retreats
The ACTS retreats are for adults at least 21 years of age. Women and men retreat separately. The weekend retreat begins on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Mass celebrated with the parish community. The retreat incorporates a wide range of Catholic praise and worship including Mass, adoration, the rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Sacred Scripture.
Adult Bible Studies, Book Studies, & Faith Formation
The Church of Saint Mary offers a number of Bible studies and book studies. Most are a series of sessions taking place often on Tuesday evenings or Sunday mornings.
Learning more about God through His holy Word is a life-long pursuit. The Church of Saint Mary hosts Bible Studies as part of its Adult Faith Formation offerings.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Parishioners spend time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and on first Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The church offers many hours of Adoration, currently Monday through Friday from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. If you wish to commit to a weekly hour of Adoration, you may do so at churchofsaintmary.com/adore.
Altar Linen Care
This group contributes to the beauty of our liturgical celebrations by providing clean linens as a sign of respect and reverence. Volunteers serve approximately three times a year on a scheduled rotating basis. Duties include weekly washing, ironing and folding the purificators, corporals, finger towels and albs.
Altar Servers
The youth of our parish help set the tone for a prayerful and reverent experience at our weekend Sunday Masses and holy days of obligation. The altar server assist the presider at our Liturgical Celebrations.
Parish youth in grades 5 through high school can participate in this ministry at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass, 10:30 am. Sunday Mass and the Sunday evening Mass, and other special occasions. Training is required and scheduled at convenient times for parents.
Baptismal Garments
Parishioners who like to sew provide an everlasting keepsake for the newly baptized through a gesture of hospitality and service with hand sewn baptismal garments that are presented to those being baptized. If you like to sew, we invite you to use your skills in making baptismal garments for babies and small children of the parish.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a program designed to help children fall in love with the Good Shepherd. Presentations are based on scripture, liturgy, and the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori. It is based on the conviction that God and the child are already in a relationship; the task before us is to help the child deepen that relationship. We offer Level 1 (ages 3-6), Level 2 (ages 6-9), and Level 3 (ages 9-12).
Caregivers Support Group
Confirmation (High School)
Parish teenagers, usually Juniors in high school, receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit in this sacrament.
Emmaus- Becoming Catholic
Emmaus is a series of adult classes that will help you know your Catholic faith. It is a perfect fit for people in three different stages of their faith journey:
Those who are rooted in faith and joyful in devotion. If the Holy Spirit has ever nudged you to accompany someone else who is beginning or returning to relationship with God, this is it. I need you at Emmaus!
Those who need a refresher on the basics of Catholicism to grow deeper or who wish to return after time away. Emmaus is a safe place to begin again, to ask questions, and to renew your conviction.
Those who want to become Catholic. Emmaus sessions include all of the content, discernment, and liturgical rites for you to enter the church. Emmaus includes the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, what we used to call RCIA.
Encore is a ministry to adults 55+ at the Church of Saint Mary that offers opportunities to grow spiritually, socially and in service to others. Encore hosts many programs such as retreats, yoga, speaker seminars, the Home Improvement Ministry, bus tours, and more. You do not join Encore. Once you are 55 years old you are part of Encore and will receive information about our ministry.
Encore Yoga
This activity is a restorative yoga physical exercise class for people age 55 and older that builds strength, flexibility and balance and ends with a short Catholic spiritual reflection. Participants can either stay in the chair or move to the floor. It is beneficial for all regardless of their ability.
Class meets every Tuesday and Friday at 10:00 a.m. in Beckerle Hall.
First Communion & First Reconciliation
Parents have shared the gift of human life with their children and, through Baptism, have enriched them with a share in God’s own life. They have the duty to nourish it. Catechesis for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and of the Eucharist is provided in the 2nd Grade of elementary schooling. Parents, guided by the Director of Children’s Ministry in alignment with the pastor, participate in sacramental catechetical programs for their young children.
Funeral Luncheon Ministry
These parish cooks offer compassion, support and hospitality to bereaved families through preparation and service of funeral meals served by rotating teams. Opportunities include being part of a meal preparation team, serving as a funeral luncheon coordinating chairman, or serving as a team captain.
Gift Bearers
Each week, a group of parishioners present the gifts at the offertory during Mass, symbolically representing the congregation’s offering of self to the Lord.
Glory Be podcast
Sharron Hanisch and Mike Malcom host a weekly podcast called Glory Be: Interesting People and How They Pray. Guests are lay, professed, or ordained persons. The live locally or around the world.
All of them are interesting. All of them share their favorite ways to pray.
There is a growing awareness among Catholics of Christ’s presence in the people gathered to pray in his name. We call this gathering of Christians for prayer and worship the “assembly” and consider participation in the assembly as the most basic right and privilege of baptized Christians. A warm smile, a sincere welcome and a friendly disposition let those arriving for Mass that their presence is appreciated.
Just as we greet guests to our home, the role of the Greeter is to make each person of the assembly feel welcome, and tend to their needs. Greeters are knowledgeable about activities occurring in the parish, know the location of various services throughout the complex and stand ready to lend assistance as necessary to the assembly.
This is an excellent ministry for families.
Grief Support Group
A peer-to-peer confidential and prayerful gathering of those who mourn the loss of someone dear. We share our experience and hope as we struggle for acceptance and peace.
Home Improvement Ministry
Home Improvement Ministry is a service ministry coordinated by Encore. This ministry assists parishioners in need of help with minor home repairs. All men of the parish are encouraged to join this dynamic service ministry. Workdays are once every four months on a Saturday morning. If parishioners need assistance between workdays, volunteers are available.
Knights of Columbus
Our K of C Council No. 13313 fosters spiritual fraternity opportunities and structured service activities for men of the parish.
The ministry of Lector at our Sunday Masses, at Holy Days of Obligation, and Triduum Liturgies proclaims the experience of the presence in the Word, our loving God who invites the assembly to hear and respond to His Word in their daily living.
Legion of Mary
Legionaries are part of a world-wide Catholic lay organization who work under the banner of Mary our Mother and at the direction of our pastor. Our work is evangelization with a two-fold focus: first the spiritual formation and growth of our members reinforced through our commitment to lead the rosary in our parish so that we are better prepared to address and succeed at our second focus – to share that spirituality with others.
Ministry members do this by visiting nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound to bring the Eucharist and pray with the sick and the dying. We actively seek out fallen away Catholics and the un-Churched by going door-to-door and inviting them to experience the love of God through the expression of the Catholic faith as explained in literature and various religious items that we distribute.
Marian Movement of Priests
The mission is to support our priests in prayer and pray that they all may consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so she may guide them in her Son Jesus’ mission in this world.
Marriage Preparation
This is a married-couple to engaged-couple ministry that helps prepare an engaged couple for the Sacrament of Marriage. The sponsor couple is matched with the engaged couple and offers a Christ-like example by providing a positive model of the domestic church.
The couples meet over a period of time and are guided by topics presented in the For Better, Forever marriage preparation work- book. Sponsor couples are approved by the Pastor.
MaryFair Weekend
The biggest weekend of the year at the Church of Saint Mary is MaryFair Weekend. The weekend kicks off with Saturday evening’s dinner and auction gala. This adult-night-out includes a seated dinner, Dessert Auction, Wine and Whiskey Pull, Live Auction, and much more. Funds raised from this event are essential to keep Catholic education more affordable and to accomplish needed improvements to our school and parish facilities.
The celebration continues Sunday with the free Parish Picnic gathering immediately following 10:30am Mass. You will be treated to an afternoon featuring lunch, live entertainment, games and activities for all ages.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry gives adult men time together to further their relationships with each other and to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. This ministry explores male spirituality.
A great way to begin is to get involved in That Man is You!
Music: Adult Choir
The Saint Mary Adult Choir is our largest ensemble, featuring 40 to 50 singers. The Adult Choir is featured every Sunday at the 10:30 mass, and during Christmas, Holy Week, and at other special occasions throughout the year. The Adult Choir prepares a diverse repertoire of music, from contemplative to uplifting, from gospel, to chant, to great classics. Rehearsals occur on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the church, from September through May. The choir is entirely composed of volunteers, and many cannot read music; however, we are a family who work and play together, and all musical skill levels and backgrounds are welcomed. Please contact Lyndon if you would like more information, or to schedule an audition/diagnostic session (not required to join the choir.)
Music: Cantors & Instrumentalists
This special group prepares the music and sings at the 5pm Christmas Eve Vigil and consists of singles, kids, youth and parents. Rehearsals each year are generally in December on Sunday mornings from 11:30-Noon. Contact Karen for more information or to sign up.
Music: Christmas Mass Family Choir
This special group prepares the music and sings at the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Vigil and consists of singles, kids, youth and parents. Rehearsals each year are generally in December on Sunday mornings from 11:30-Noon. Contact Karen Hiller, khiller@churchofsaintmary.com, for more information or to sign up.
Music: Elementary Children’s Vocal Choir
This choir is directed by Karen Hiller and is for students in grades 1st thru 5th from both School of Saint Mary students and students who attend other schools. Karen will be glad to give you more details if you are interested and enrollment forms will be available.
WHY Music Ministry for kids?
- Kids can share their time and talent! Yes, stewardship for kids.
- Learn to read music with proper singing technique and diction.
- Learn their faith through music
- Work together as a group/team.
- Sing at various weekend Masses, and at other church venues.
Choir Season is from September until May.
Music: Handbell Choirs
The Church of Saint Mary has two handbell choirs: The MaryBells are a beginning bell choir is for adults and kids (3rd grade and older). This group is a great way to have fun a learn more about music at the same time. Rehearsals are from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Sunday nights following the 6 p.m. Mass. Make it a family event, or just bring yourself. Contact Karen for more information. The MaryRingers are the advanced handbell choir, ringing more challenging repertoire. Some sight-reading ability or previous handbell experience is usually required to join. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings. Please contact Lyndon for more information about either handbell group.
Newcomers Committee
This group welcomes new members to the parish with a Newcomers Luncheon for new parishioners twice per year to foster a sense of belonging and to inform new members about various parish ministries and events, and to invite involvement of new members to grow as Christian stewards through their participation.
Nursery Ministry
The Church of Saint Mary offers a safe and loving environment for your child.
Babies and toddlers up to 2 years old.
Location: Nursery – across from the Choir room
Children 2 to 4 years old.
Location: Motor Skills Room – across from the preschool office.
Our nursery provides play time, snacks, a faith activity and a prayer. We also offer childcare at special events (as announced).
Outreach Ministry
The Church of Saint Mary is committed to serving the Tulsa community – especially Tulsans who live close to our church.
Our Outreach Ministry is powered by volunteers. Our volunteers are people willing to give a morning or an afternoon
- greeting guests,
- assessing their needs, and
- assisting Mrs. Jackie Fusco, our Director of Outreach Ministry.
Pastoral Care Visitation
This prayer and hospitality ministry performed by lay Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion provides the vital connection of sacramental life to those unable to join our parish community for Sunday liturgy. Pastoral Care Visitation ministers bring Christ’s love to Catholic parishioners in nursing or private homes in the gift of the Eucharist and keep those unable to attend Sunday services informed about Parish events and functions.
Prayer Network
This community of prayerful parishioners provides spiritual support to parishioners and the community through the power of prayer. Requests for prayers are passed along to network members via email, telephone call or text message based on preference. Prayer requests come in many forms and needs including prayers for the lonely, afraid, sick, crisis, healing, or any number of circumstances.
Each Prayer Network minister has the freedom to choose a form of prayer when seeking the in-breaking of God on a particular situation. Members have found a deepening of their own faith and a strengthening of fellowship and community as they lift up prayer on behalf of parishioners to God.
Reading Partners
Become a Saint Mary Reading Partner and make a difference in a child’s future. Reading Partners provides one-on-one tutoring to elementary school students reading below grade level to help them succeed in school and life. Volunteers work with students at Marshall Elementary for at least one hour per week using a structured and easy to use curriculum.
Hours are flexible, and no prior experience is required.
Religious Education for Children
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a program designed to help children fall in love with the Good Shepherd. Presentations are based on scripture, liturgy, and the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori. It is based on the conviction that God and the child are already in a relationship; the task before us is to help the child deepen that relationship. We offer Level 1 (ages 3-6), Level 2 (ages 6-9), and Level 3 (ages 9-12).
Our sacristans help maintain a welcoming preparation space for our priests, deacons and servers by cleaning the sacristies on Wednesdays and Saturdays on a scheduled rotating basis.
Duties include:
- Washing and drying sacred vessels
- Cleaning the water and wine cruets; refilling them if needed
- Dusting the Chapel’s altar area, ambo, tabernacle, statue of Mary, table and chairs
- Replacing the altar cloth and corporal if needed
- Cleaning the holy water font at the back of the Chapel & refilling with fresh holy water
- Wiping down the counter top in Sacristy
- Being attentive to anything else that needs attention
Saint Joan of Arc Freedom Healing and Deliverance Ministry
Jesus has been healing people ever since He began His ministry over 2,000 years ago. He came to set us free. Today, Jesus continues that ministry through his people.
St. Joan of Arc Healing Prayer Ministry teams are trained and loving individuals who meet you personally to hear your story and pray with you to be healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
School of Saint Mary
The School of Saint Mary exists to carry out the educational mission of the Church. Our task is to educate students with a commitment which involves peace, justice, and human rights, according to Gospel principles and Catholic tradition. We strive to promote academic excellence, to be responsible stewards, and to motivate students to give generously of self in an attitude of Christian charity.
Learn more about the School of Saint Mary.
Single Parent Ministry
The mission of the single parent ministry of the Church of Saint Mary is to improve the quality of life for Catholic single parents and their children through learning, listening, sharing resources and lived experience in a safe space with a focus on the Faith.
Supper Club
Supper Club is a Hospitality ministry giving adult members of the parish an opportunity to become acquainted while sharing meals in one another’s homes. The Supper Club ministry leaders organize groups of eight (including couples and singles) twice a year. If you would like to participate, watch for registration announcements in the bulletin in July and January for the fall and spring sessions.
Our Ushers promote a welcoming, managed and safe environment for the congregation at our weekend liturgies and at special events, including the annual Parish Lenten Mission. In particular ushers are trained to notice those new to the parish and to proactively welcome them, assist with logistics of services and navigating the physical campus, help with registration forms and answer general questions about the parish.
Ushers direct the flow of the congregation throughout the liturgy, facilitate the collection and presentation of the offertory collection, and help communicate the ministry opportunities in the parish through the distribution of forms, bulletins, and flyers. Ushers are trained on emergency procedures and protocol and are diligent observers during the course of services to maintain order and circumvent disruptions or intrusions.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is a short summer religion program for children in preschool through eighth grade. VBS includes music, games, Bible stories, crafts, and service opportunities for older youth.
Volunteer Office Receptionists
Our receptionists are an important component of hospitality at the Church of Saint Mary serving as an initial point of contact for the parish by answering the phone and greeting persons who visit the Parish Office.
Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry offers all adult women parishioners opportunities to grow in their relationship with God through joy-filled prayer, friendship, and service. Women’s Ministry is not a club to join, but a group that you already belong to if you are a woman 21 or older.
Young Adults
Young adults between the ages of 21- 39 gather as a community of singles, marrieds and young parents of families to build friendships, lend spiritual support to one another in prayer and respond together in grateful service by sharing the gifts they have received from God out of love for Him, for one another, for the parish and at-large Tulsa community. This group gathers for service, prayer and social opportunities.
Youth Group (Middle and High School)
Middle School (6th-8th grade) and High School (9th-12th grade) Youth Groups are a great way for youth to spend time with their friends, have lots of fun, and grow deeper in their faith lives while learning to become intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. We follow a discipleship focused youth ministry approach that focuses on mutual discipleship between parents/other adult parishioners and our youth. This is the approach that Christ taught us.
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I don’t see any sign up for Eucharistic Minister.
Stephanie Castell
Hi Stephanie.
You’re right. Father Jack usually issues special invitations to parishioners he feels are best suited to being Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. I would recommend setting up a meeting with him.
Mike Malcom