Thursday, October 3, 2024
Children's MinistriesFaith Formation

First Reconciliation and First Communion

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sacramental Preparation:

Bishop Konderla has instituted the “Restored Order of the Sacraments” – that is, Confirmation at an earlier age, to complete the Sacraments of Initiation.

Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion requires a two-year preparation. The Church of Saint Mary is blessed to offer the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sacrament Preparation approach. The child will receive all three sacraments in their third year of Level 2 (3rd grade). Below are the steps for preparation of the Sacraments:


3 Components of Preparation

1). Weekly atrium sessions: First register your child for a weekly atrium session at . During the Level 2 atrium session, catechists will give presentations aimed at leading the child to deeper contemplation of the sacraments.

  • School of Saint Mary 2nd grader- Ann Bloomfield will ask 2nd grade families at school registration if their child will be receiving the sacraments.
  • Non-school of Saint Mary- First register your child for a weekly atrium session at .

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Director will reach out to Level 2 in the Fall to provide them with more information about the process of Sacramental Preparation. (Usually beginning in 2nd grade)

2). Meditation series: Both parents and their children will attend scripture meditations (in separate groups) to reflect on how God is calling them to these three sacraments. Attendance is crucial as the meditations build upon each other as the sacrament approaches. (Usually at the beginning of 3rd grade)

Dates: Weeks of- 8/24, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, and 10/5, 2025

3). Sacramental Retreat: The children will attend a retreat that will prepare them for their reception of the sacraments. During this time, they will attend mass, do atrium work, read scripture, practice how to receive the sacraments and have social time with fellow sacramental preparation children. All of this will be done to help prepare their hearts and minds as they enter into receiving the sacraments. The children will celebrate their first Reconciliation, Confirmation, and first Communion during the retreat period.

After celebrating their Confirmation/ First Communion Mass, the children will then return to the retreat to allow them time to savor the gifts they have just received for the first time.

Dates: October 16-19th, 2025


For more information about CGS Sacramental Preparation, please contact Christine Hassink at .



If interested in registering for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sacramental Preparation, please contact Christine Hassink at chassink@churchofsaintmary. com.




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