Women’s Ministry Bunco is July 11, 2023
Grab a friend and join the women of our parish for Bunco!
Tuesday, July 11
7:00 PM
Our Lady of Grace Center
Bring a snack or drink to share AND/OR a package of diapers!
Maggie Guglielmo, a member of our parish, preschool staff and women’s ministry, is involved with Strong Tomorrows. She brought it to our attention that they could benefit from diaper donations – any size, newborn through pull-ups. If you are unfamiliar with this organization that supports young people choosing life, please read on below.
Strong Tomorrows provides guidance, support, and information to expecting and parenting students at Tulsa Public Schools through case management and referral services. Students in the Strong Tomorrow program learn to juggle the many tasks associated with being a parent while working to finish high school. The program also provides information and guidance on prenatal care, parenting tips, financial guidance, and healthy family relationships.