In Memoriam 2019
In Memoriam 2019
A Church of Saint Mary tradition is remembering the names of parishioners and loved ones who died in the past year. The reading of the names takes place on the Sunday following All Souls Day.
Let us keep them in our prayers.
Barbara Allen
William Barnes
Michael Bender
Dora Blocker
Eleanor Bova
Lester Boyle
Calvin Carpenter
Marjorie Coggins
Diane Davis
Jack Farrell
James Flynn
John Fowler
Gerry Gabel
Margaret Guckes
James Hahn
Michael Harveth
Michael Hughes
Elizabeth Kilbride
Dorothy Koliha
Nancy Mackey
Thomas Maloney
Martina Mannas
Pauline Monroe
Euseba Morales
Eugene Noble
Mary Polak
Dorothy Ruskoski
Doyle Taylor