Monday, October 21, 2024
Parish Life

Resources for Planning your Funeral Liturgy

Funeral Planning Worksheet

Click here to download the funeral planning worksheet as a PDF.

Suggested Readings from Scripture

N.B. The following readings are suggested for funerals of adults who have died.  For other situations, go to this list.

Click here to view options for First readings (outside of Easter time, i.e. Old Testament)

Click here to view options for First readings (during Easter time, i.e. from the Acts or from Revelation)

Click here to view options for Second readings

Click here to view options for Gospel readings

Suggested Responsorial Psalms

Click here to view options for Responsorial Psalms

Suggested Selections for Hymns and Congregational songs

N.B. Hymns appropriate for Communion are indicated by an *asterisk.

Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
God with hidden majesty*
All you who seek a comfort sure
Be still my soul (Finlandia)
Be thou my vision
Lord of all hopefulness
Eternal Father, strong to save (Navy hymn)
Faith of our Fathers
How firm a foundation
I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me
I know that my redeemer lives
Jerusalem, my happy home
I come with joy to meet my Lord*
Lead, kindly light
Love divine, all loves excelling
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
My shepherd will supply my need*
The King of love my shepherd is*
O God beyond all praising
We walk by faith, and not by sight
I want to walk as a child of the light
Eye has not seen
For all the saints
Sing with all the saints in glory
What wondrous love is this

Suggested Selections for Vocal Solos

N.B. Solos appropriate for Communion are indicated by an *asterisk.

Ave maria
Panis angelicus*
Shalom (Peace I leave with you)
Ave verum corpus*
In paradisum (May the angels lead you into paradise)
This is particularly suited for the recessional.


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