Saturday, July 27, 2024
Faith Formation


by Garrett Schilling

Church of Saint Mary, it’s time to register for Confirmation! We will use this time to think further about what God is doing in our lives and what Confirmation means to us.

Announcements with links to each session’s readings, discussion questions, and journal prompts will be presented through a Google Classroom for students, parents, and Sponsors. The announcements for each session will publish the Friday before the session; that way if you want to prepare by reading and praying over the session material you may. The journal prompts will publish on the day of the session so that you can complete them at each session.

As we move forward you will receive comments and questions from Priests and Confirmation staff! Please respond to these prompts; we love communicating with you about your journey.

Students will be required to attend 6 out of the 7 in-person sessions (there are 8 sessions, a retreat, and Confirmation Sunday planned) in order to be confirmed. Students will need to finish all 8 Journal Assignments along the way too.

Our first session is on September 10th at 11:30 and all students, parents, and Sponsors are required to attend as this will be our orientation session.

We here at the Church of Saint Mary are excited to go on this journey with you and if you have any questions or concerns please contact Garrett Schilling @



Confirmation registration is closed.



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